Detoxification, Naturopathic Medical Research Clinic
Feeling toxic? … Here we discuss how you can detoxify the bowel and maintain optimal health. Why Detox the Bowel? The bowel (colon) is the most direct route of removal of toxins aside from the liver and kidney. The previous blogs in this detox series...
Detoxification, Naturopathic Medical Research Clinic
Feeling toxic? … Here we discuss how drinking good water and removing mercury can help you detoxify. Efficient kidney, bowel, and liver toxin elimination are necessary if our aim is to maintain optimal health. If these organs fail to do their job,...
Low Cholesterol, Naturopathic Medical Research Clinic
Is a cholesterol free diet a healthy diet? … Here in part 2 of this series we discuss how low cholesterol affects cell membrane integrity, bile production, fat assimilation, toxin removal, immunity, inflammation, and mental state functioning. Cholesterol...
Low Cholesterol, Naturopathic Medical Research Clinic
. Did you know that having low cholesterol is a health risk? … Here we provide insight on the health ramifications of low cholesterol. Cholesterol Imbalance: Low Cholesterol Health Ramifications (Part 1) Cholesterol Cholesterol can come from the...
Naturopathic Medical Research Clinic
Are you burned out? … Here we discuss nutrient, thyroid, and adrenal burnout and how to address these syndromes with orthomolecular nutrition, adrenal/thyroid therapy, and a lifestyle approach. Burnout: A Nutrient &...
Naturopathic Medical Research Clinic, Weight Health
Does this look familiar? … If so it might be good to consider naturopathic and nutritional approaches that help you maintain healthy weight. Overweight Considerations Good nutrition can help prevent and reduce body weight and other problems caused by being...