How We Can Help You
For more details on how we can help, please call.We offer a 15 minute complementary phone orientation. We treat fatigue, longevity, thyroid imbalances, allergies, weight problems, poor immunity, chronic diseases, female health, male health, digestive problems, insomnia, pain syndromes, kid’s health, mental health and performance, schizophrenia, postural orthostatic tacchycardia (POTS), post concussion syndrome (PCS), irritability, and more.
Our approach involves specialized testing, diet and lifestyle modifications, and a combination of nutritional/health treatments that create wellness.
Our Model of Care
- Treat the cause, rather than the symptoms alone
- Work as a team with medical doctors, nutritionists, counselors, social workers, psychologists
- Case management
- Empower clients with the knowledge of how their body works and how it can be improved
- Provide lab results with a detailed explanation of what they mean during the consult
- Provide our best treatment advise and help you decide how to proceed
- Aid clients to work with prescribing MD’s to reduce medication as deemed appropriate
- We have experience helping even the most difficult of cases adhere to protocols
- We provide longer visit times if you need to discuss all your needs, versus one symptom/condition per visit
- We educate clients on our treatment approach with our BodyMindLink and MindCheck blog series

What do you hope for?
- Energy and motivation to get things done?
- Less stress and worry?
- Longevity and healthy aging?
- Disease prevention?
- Feeling and looking healthy?
- Not having physical limitations?
- Having a healthy mind?
- Better sleep?
- Better performance at work?
- Relief for someone who has lost hope?
- Happiness and well-being?
Call our clinic to get more information on services. Dr. Pataracchia can be made available for in-depth inquiries. When ready, call us or book online.
Pyroluria & Chemical Imbalances- a B6/Zinc/Manganese Depletion Syndrome- Dr Bill Walsh
Feed Your Head – Orthomolecular Medicine for Physical & Mental Well-Being – Dr Abram Hoffer
TED Talk – The Surprising Role of Nutrition in Mental Health – Julia Rucklidge
Orthomolecular Treatment of Schizophrenia & Mental Illness – Dr Abram Hoffer
Our two blog series, BodyMindLink and MindCheck empower clients and the public with information on general health and mental health matters.
- Our BodyMindLink blog series provides insight on the nutritional syndromes associated with general health conditions (e.g. longevity, fatigue, weight problems, sleep problems) and identifies the impact that these syndromes might have on your mental health.
- Our MindCheck blog series provides insight on the nutritional syndromes and lifestyle factors associated with mental health conditions (e.g. depression, anxiety, ADD, OCD, schizophrenia).
Over the years we have collaborated with organizations that make a difference and have similar health goals.
- Orthomolecular Health
- Mood Food Culinary
- Mindful Charity – Kids Mental Health
- Canadian Society Orthomolecular Medicine
- Family Outreach & Response (FOR)
- International Schizophrenia Foundation