
Nutrients for Tiredness

Do you have enough energy to get you through the day? … If not, the cause may be a nutrient deficiency, food intolerance, or another factor not considered.


In todays’ fast paced society it is not uncommon to see people that are exhausted.  This affects both kids and adults.  Energy nutrient deficiencies and food intolerances are two nutritional syndromes that have a direct effect on your energy level.

The Why am I so Tired Three-Part Series

We have divided ‘Why am I so Tired?’ blogs into three subtopics: i) energy nutrients and food intolerances, ii) sluggish thyroid function and heavy metals, and iii) adrenal exhaustion and protein breakdown.  The human body has about 15 top syndromes associated with energy and physical and mental health.

This article is part of the BodyMindLink series by Dr Ray Pataracchia ND.   Clinical approaches discussed are implemented by the Naturopathic Medical Research Clinic in Toronto, Ontario.

Energy Nutrient Deficiencies as a Biochemical Cause of Fatigue     

Some of the top nutrient deficiencies associated with fatigue are deficiencies in vitamin B12, vitamin B5, vitamin C, vitamin B3, iron, vitamin B6, and zinc.  Vitamin deficiency is very common and dietary food sources do not always provide the necessary amounts to resolve deficiency states.

Vitamin B12 is associated with a process called methylation which is a reaction process that occurs millions of times per second, a process that is maintained to allow all cells of the body to make protein metabolites.

Protein metabolites are involved in energy molecule (ATP) production and the production of proteins used for muscle and bone structure, digestive enzymes, mineral transporters, etc.  

Protein production is dependent on the basic process of DNA transcription and RNA translation for which zinc and vitamin B6 are integral.

Vitamin B5 and vitamin C are involved in adrenal gland function which is associated with energy maintenance at a hormone production/regulation level (to be discussed in Part 3 of this series).  Vitamin C is an amazing antioxidant that helps metabolize sugar efficiently for energy molecule formation.

Vitamin B3 (niacin) is a molecule intimately involved in converting food into energy.  It is one of the most underestimated nutrients and its effect in terms of improving energy levels can be profound.

Iron is a component of hemoglobin which is involved in the binding and transport of oxygen to all cells of the body.  Oxygen is the ‘sink’ of the biochemical process of energy production.  Without oxygen, human energy production quickly comes to a standstill.

Energy Nutrients: The BodyMindLink

Tiredness, low stamina, low energy, fatigue, and exhaustion can be caused by nutrient deficiencies.  When these deficiencies are corrected, mental and physical function can improve at various levels.  Brain cells that have more energy to do what they are destined to do are better able to regulate and control mood, thinking, perception, and behavior.  By correcting nutrient deficiencies energy molecule production similarly allows all other body organ systems to function optimally.  The nutrients discussed here are associated with multiple body functions that are essential to optimal wellness – mental performance, better immunity, efficient digestion, cardiovascular health, …

Food Intolerance as a Biochemical Cause of Fatigue     

When we eat foods with large proteins that the body reacts to it can make us sick.  Unfortunately we may not be aware of the food items we are intolerant to unless we avoid them for a period of time.  Food intolerances are extremely common.  In my experience, the effect of correcting them translates on average to a minimum 30% lift in energy.  There are blood tests that can help assess what food items have the greatest likelihood of causing negative effects in you.  Top among these food culprits are gluten and dairy; these allergens are common among kids and adults.

Food Intolerances:  The BodyMindLink

Food intolerances discussed are associated with the passage of substances throughout the body that disturb mental and physical health at all levels and degrees of severity.  Food intolerances are associated with brain function alterations that cause poor academic and work performance, irritability, brain fog, mood imbalance, sleep disturbance, behavior problems, poor cognition, altered sensory processing, and hallucinations. The physical problems caused by food intolerances are extensive because the toxic release of byproducts of mal-absorbed food proteins can hit any and all body organ/glandular systems;  food intolerances are associated with skin conditions, digestive disturbances, headaches, inflammation (puffy weight, water weight), muscle and joint pain, insomnia, heart palpitations, stress reactions, weight gain, chronic disease and yes, fatigue.