MindCheck is the Weekly Wednesday Kids Mental Health series with Dr. Ray Pataracchia N.D. MindCheck provides in depth information on the orthomolecular approach to coping with mood and/or behavior disorders. The MindCheck Health Series is endorsed by the Mindful Network – ‘A Better Future for Children’s Mental Health’.
Schizophrenia attacks a select portion of our global population at a vulnerable age.
Schizophrenia – The Disease that Attacks our Youth
Schizophrenia Strikes Early
The population most affected by schizophrenia is our youth. A disease entity that attacks a select portion of our global population at a vulnerable age transfers a profound and devastating blow to society at large and to the family unit.
Schizophrenia attacks patients in their productive years when most of us have started a family, solidified career goals, and started building equity.
What can we do when Schizophrenia Strikes?
Orthomolecular Medicine offers youth a chance to address underlying biochemical aspects that medications do not address; namely niacin deficiency, under-methylation, thyroid metabolism imbalance, and heavy metal toxicity. This treatment option is described in full in the 2008 Review on Orthomolecular Medicine in the Treatment of Schizophrenia. Case 3 of the 2010 Orthomolecular Treatment Response article describes the treatment and outcome of a schizophrenic patient treated early in the course of the disease.
The Demographics of Schizophrenia
(Demographics are based on information posted by the Public Health Agency of Canada.)
1% of the Canadian Population has schizophrenia.
Onset is typical in late teens.
It is however not uncommon to see onset in patients in their 20’s and early 30’s.
Males in general are affected earlier than females.
Peak hospitalization periods for males are at age 20-24, and decreases after age 40-44.
Peak hospitalization periods for females are at age 35-49, followed by a steady decrease.
Suicidality Risk
Schizophrenics are over-represented in among homeless and prison populations.
40-60% attempt suicide and a striking 10% will die from suicide.
Economic Impact
0.3% of the gross domestic profit, that is $2.35 billion annually, is tied up in direct costs for schizophrenia including health care (a huge component of which is re-hospitalization), economic productivity loss, imprisonment, and income assistance program administration. Another $2 billion annually is tied up in indirect costs for schizophrenia.
Effectiveness of Pharmaceutical Treatment
Please read the outcomes of the CATIE trials and decide if the current medical approach is effective.