I’m so tired: Part 2

Cells making energy from glucose

All cells of the body, including brain cells, make energy out of glucose which can be derived directly out of carbohydrates or indirectly via proteins and fats (gluconeogenesis). Inside the cells of the brain and elsewhere we see the direct need for chromium and B3 (glucose tolerance factors) to activate insulin to take sugar into cells. We also see the need for B-vitamins (B3, B6, B5) and mineral cofactors (magnesium, manganese) to aid the cells’ powerhouse (the mitochondrial glycolytic cycle) to produce ATP.

So if you are nutrient deficient and your diet does not supply adequate nutrients then it is difficult to produce ATP and mental health suffers.

Does your body make energy too fast or too slow?

Everybody has a different rate of making energy and this process needs to be in balance.

Do you have a fast metabolism? People that break sugar down too fast (fast metabolizers/oxidizers) produce metabolites that disturb the body and can result in fatigue if prolonged.

From a mental state perspective fast oxidizers are prone to ADD, irritability, anxiety and panic (in some cases mania). Fast metabolic rates are seen in children that have ADD and while the body can sustain this state it often gives out and vacillates to a slower state.

Do you have a slow metabolism? When the sugar isn’t broken down fast enough (slow metabolizers/oxidizers) tiredness is readily seen.

From a mental state perspective slow oxidizers are prone to psychosis or schizophrenia, poor motivation, apathy or disinterest, depression,  OCD, mania or bipolar, or lethargy and spaciness with brain fog.

What does Hair Tissue (Cellular) Mineral Analysis (HTMA) tell you about energy metabolism?

There are specific slow and fast metabolic trends that we can pick up using HTMA. Fast metabolizers have higher potassium and sodium (nervous system stimulating minerals) levels in cells, levels which are assessed using HTMA. Fast metabolizers are often calcium and copper deficient. Their calcium versus phosphorous ratio is often depressed.

Slow metabolic types on the other hand, have higher magnesium and calcium (nervous system sedative minerals) levels in cells, levels which are also assessed using HTMA. Their calcium versus phosphorous ratio is often elevated.

Using HTMA testing in conjunction with blood testing?

Hair analysis is a key part of a comprehensive battery of testing done as a standard of care at the Naturopathic Medical Research Clinic (NMRC). HTMA allows us to factor in and compare the tissue (cellular) metabolic and deficiency state versus the blood borne metabolic state. HTMA factors in information to assess minerals (copper, zinc, manganese, molybdenum, selenium, etc), heavy metals (lead, organic methyl mercury, cadmium, aluminum), thyroid and adrenal related mineral ratios, and protein breakdown (catabolic) states. When used in conjunction with blood findings which are transient and mostly extracellular, HTMA levels can be quite revealing. The top nutrient imbalance syndromes assessed at the NMRC are listed on our syndromes web page.

For example, we see about 70% of copper toxic cases with high copper in cells (tissue), where it has a higher attraction (affinity), and low copper in the blood. This is a classic example of bio-unavailability, a compartmentalization of a mineral in toxic levels in the brain and liver where it likes to reside at the expense of peripheral deficiency; that is a toxicity and deficiency state. Compartmentalization also occurs during bacterial infection (e.g. strep infection) where iron comes out of blood and deposits in tissue to avoid blood bourne bacteria that uses iron for survival. During periods of bacterial infection we see depleted blood iron levels that normalize after the infection subsides.

Our next blog: I’m so tired: Part 3

Food Intolerance related Energy Drops

Environmental Chemical related Energy Drops

Heavy Metal Toxicity related Energy Drops

Detoxification to improve Fatigue